Child harvesting operations

The Overlords have given themself authority over you and your children, under the guise of "salvation".

Have you heard of Operation Pied Piper? Operation Kindertransport? The Orphan Trains?


Operation Pied Piper 
Is it really a "rescue operation" if most of the children never see their parents again?
Or was it designed that way?

Operation Kindertransport.

Here's an award winning example of propaganda covering the official version of the narrative...

The official narrative is always such a glowing testament to the good character and efforts of our overlords to keep us safe at the hands of those other evil overlords.

So under Kindertransport, Germany sent 10,000 children to Britain alone, before the war, with Britain.
While Britain sent millions of their kids out under Operation Pied Piper, that was shown to have been planned 8 years BEFORE the war, one used to justify their removal...???
Britain can't keep their kids because it's too dangerous, but they took in Germany's kids...???????

Why would a "rescue operation" be called "Pied Piper"???
Based on a story of a dubious character who stole all the children in the village by leading them away in a deception...???

That was an abduction, NOT a rescue.

Most never saw their parents again. Most became slaves and suffered sexual abuse.
Some consider that was the intent... not the accidental result. That this really was a massive child trafficking operation under the guise of "Saving the children"....

When reason and reality defies what one is led to believe, that's the first indication the narrative one was sold is defective...

It’s happened over and over… and over.



And it will happen again as long as people mindlessly OBEY, SUBMIT and COMPLY...
“It’s for your safety”.


Here's a fun video from the "Official Narrative' perspective.

Today history is whitewashed and painted over.

Hang on tight to your children...
It's happening again, only this time one calls it "Contact Tracing".

 "It's for your safety"...


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