Eat the Sun

We have done been led down the dark path... blind to the light...

We were told that the sun was evil.

Warned it would burn us horribly.


One must never look directly at the fiery ball of flaming fire or it would blind us for EVER.
Stay in the shadows! It is safe there...

IF you have to bravenly braze it's dangerous death rays, you must slather your body in protective chemical substances created in a special laboratory and wear radioactive filters over your eyes... and rubber, non-conductive vessles for thy feet... or else ye shall burn like the coals of hellsfire!

Yeah, turns out that was a steaming load of bovine feces...

There's a superb reason people "worshipped the sun" and it's NOT what we have been "led" to beLIEve...
I'm gonna make you see the light, yeah! Let me hear an AMEIN and a HalleluJah!.

The sun is life. Without it we would slowly and miserably cease to exist. Most all plants and animals would suffer the same fate.

Most of our energy comes from the sun. When you eat, the energy you obtain came initially from the sun and was stored in that plant/animal. Like plants, we need to consume sunshine more than we need to eat food, Otherwise we can wilt, or die. 
Breatharians exist on sunshine and water alone. 
 The planets and stars contribute to our energy as well, SONOluminescant energy, but that's another wild ride we can take later.

We are photovoltaic beings, (energy, frequency and vibration).
We store solar energy in our cells, similar to batteries.

Like most things in life, the danger is getting too much, or too little.

Sun tan (pigment discoloration) is not "your body’s reaction to fight damaging sun rays" like we have been told, it is a color coded indicator of your solar energy levels. 
Pale = depleted. 

Tan = fully charged.  
Red = OVERflowing.

Kind of like the energy bars on your phone…

Keep your tank consistently full and you will produce vitamin D, essential to prevent/cure disease and maintain optimal health.
Have vital energy.
Regulate mood and sleep by energizing the pineal gland.

One “secret” to prevent sun damage is to remove your sunglasses. 

When you wear sunshades, your body's sensor is altered. The brain thinks you are in the dark and does not trigger the skin to produce the compounds necessary to protect itself.

Sunshine alone typically does not cause skin cancer. It heals you. The backward ass thing here is that most sunscreen contains chemicals that actually cause the skin cancer most suffer from....

Melanoma can often be healed in a matter of weeks/months with 7% topical iodine. (Dr Simoncini protocol.)
I used this treatment successfully on 2 occasions. I have not had a third since I learned these simple truths...

It's quite simple to prove this to yourself. You don't even need the magic of "High School Science" to do these simple experiments.

Get yourself some sunshine, without sunscreen, without sunglasses, without shoes. 
Stick those bare feet in the ground.
(Yes, "grounding" is essential). You must complete the circuit.

Soak it up. Charge your cells.

For more ongrounding Steve Kroschelhas a few fine films on the subject.

Consume sunshine internally.
(*Research it first to learn the proper way.)

Do it everyday. Keep your tank full.

See how that works out for you in comparison...

Sungazing is one exceptional way to achieve that and recharge from the inside out. A mental energy booster.
Whereas sunbathing directly affects the skin, the largest organ of your body.

This lovely section on "Sungazing" comes from

In cultures all around the world, the Sun has been worshiped as the giver of life. It is known as Ra by Egyptians, Surya in the Vedas, Helios or Apollo in Greek mythology the features of the Sun as the earliest Gods in all the major religions in the world.
Sungazing is an ancient art which is practiced by the Mayans, ancient Egyptians, and Early Indians. They firmly believed that the Sun could cure illnesses, eliminate the need for food and make telepathy possible. And, despite that this sounds impossible and mythical, the enlightened ones did possess abilities and they used them.
There is a particular procedure to worshiping the Sun, known as the sun gazing.
Sungazing is usually practiced during sunrise and sunset.
Sungazers would stand barefoot and look at the Sun for about 10 seconds, and slowly increase that time, ten more seconds with each passing day.

Not just historians or philosophers, but scientists also have acknowledged the extraordinary powers of the Sun. An example is Nikola Tesla, who once said:
My idea is that the development of life must lead to forms of existence that will be possible without nourishment and which will not be shackled by consequent limitations. Why should a living being not be able to obtain all the energy it needs for the performance of its life functions from the environment, instead of through consumption of food, and transforming, by a complicated process, the energy of chemical combinations into life-sustaining energy?
In today’s modern world, this is a popular process (HRM phenomenon), after Hira Ratan Manek who practiced it himself and got himself examined by NASA.

A lot of people have taken the initiative to rejuvenate these ideas by trials, as well as errors to prove their effectiveness to the world, creating for them believable foundations by providing scientifically evaluated results.
The scientific benefits of sun gazing are the following:

1. Sungazing increases energy levels. It also triggers the pineal glands and enhances secretion of ‘happy hormones,’ such as melatonin and serotonin. They are the reason for a boost in the energy levels. This will give the body more strength and agility as well.

2. Sungazing causes the growth of the pineal gland. Our pineal gland shrinks with time as we grow older. But, sungazing causes the pineal gland to rise instead. The pineal gland, also called “the third eye” regulates the secretion of hormones in the body, as well as keeps the reproductive organs healthy. In history and myth, there have been references to the “third eye” opening.

3. Sungazing can also fulfill the nutritional needs of our body. It reduces the need to ingest food. It causes healthy weight loss. Our enlightened ancestors had masterfully tapped the power of the Sun, to increase the longevity of body and strength.

The ancient civilizations had found out a lot of the secrets of the World. They had also mastered them to their advantage. Today’s modern world has rejected most of these theories and concepts as ridiculous and obsolete, in that way denying ourselves the power to tap the energies of the universe, as well as the gifts that nature has in store for us.

Here's the best clip to cover this.

 "Sun Dimming" to save us from the evil Global Warming Monster? WTF?

There’s a nefarious reason why they are conning us with this “Climate Change” “agenda”.
Why THEY are intentionally changing the climate using GeoEngieering (weather modification technology)  and HAARP (high ionospheric heaters) to make the wild weather "examples" to justify their "theory".
They suggest spraying copious amounts of nanoaluminum, barium and strontium in the sky  (our breathing air)  is the only thing that can save us from the evil global warming monster… Well that and massive piles of cash for green/carbon taxes to be paid to the United Nations… which is effectively owned by the same elite overlords that manufactured this "Global Warming" theory to begin with...
Yeap, paying them more money will save us. Shiny man on TV done said so.

I won’t get deep in to that now… But bottom line, our empirical overlords are spraying toxic waste in the sky to dim the sunlight we receive. (And combat "overpopulation") When you realize how crucial the sun is, this may start to make more sense and how important stopping it really is…

*Nopes. It’s NOT the Persistent CONtrail Fairy spraying harmless pixie molecules. I don’t care what Mick West, SNOPES or any other shiny bullshit salesman done sold ya…

But that’s another direction for another time… This would be a pile of official documents to verify that for you... when you're ready

I know to some people, this ALL sounds batshitcrazy. It contradicts everything we have been told.
Yep, it is intentional disinformation.
There are substantial reasons for that… but that's another 20 pages, for another day...

For a report on the secret religious symbolism of the sun you can find this version


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