Are you in an occulted cult?
["Nothing is real unless it's on TV."]
[The 60 hz magnetic field [Lily Wave] generated from their monitors is like a drug that puts em in a lucid trance-like state. This places one in a submissive condition that allows the programming to be “installed”. They will do anything the man on TV tells them to do...
If anyone tries to "deprogram" them, or dares defy the narrative they were led to believe. They are programmed to engage and spew rage, branding one a "Crazy Conspiracy Theorist".
This mechanism keeps them safely within the construct.
The science of leading one to a beLIEf when all the evidence contradicts it...]
Science is the "craft"rebranded. Wizards changed from robes to white lab coats.
This cult requires more blind faith than religion.
If you are wearing a mask and standing 6' from the people you love, because the shiny man on TV told you so, to save yourself from an "Invisible Enemy"..... and you spew rage upon anyone who defies this beLIEf and does not OBEY.......
You have been "programmed".
You are in a cult.
[One's failure to comprehend that, does not negate it"] That's the tricky part about a deception.
If something requires you to believe in it, to be real, it's not...
[That's the gold standard of reality]
Everything else is illusion.
Faith in things unseen, is NOT the virtue we were led to beLIEve it was...
It is the core of any deception.
Awareness is the key to free oneself.
[Reality-induction therapy]
There's no scientific evidence to support this irrational beLIEf system.
Viruses have NEVER been proven as contagion using the scientific method. Viruses are the effects of "disease" NOT the cause. That realization is your first step to freedom from the mass deception.
History will show Fauci and Gates certainly perfected the game since the likes of Moon, Adolf, Mao, Manson and Jones.
Mandatory Injectable KoolAid is coming...
[#Deprogram yourself.]
Turn off the TV.
We could sure use all those Cult De-Programmers we had back in the 70's...
It's a long-run CONstruct.
Break it down.
If you don’t believe in the Devil, you ain’t gonna buy the Jesus.
If you don’t believe in the disease, you ain’t gonna buy the cure.
If you don’t believe in the Invisible Enemy, you ain’t gonna take their Magic Potion.
You must beLIEve! For this to be "real". For this to "work".
When you see all that hooplah and propaganda fearing you up, that’s a sure sign you are being set up to be sold. It's NOT a measure of validation.
It's theatrics to sell the narrative.
Repeating the "Big Lie" still doesn't make it true.
Even if EVERYTHING you have been led to beLIEve is a lie...
Once you realize the lies, all the King's men and all the King's horses can never put your belief system back together again... You can truly be free.
So we’re being sold magic potions to save us from invisible enemies?
And anyone who questions whether that narrative is true, is a “Crazy Conspiracy Theorist”???
Seriously? Why is the herd not in full stampede mode at this point?
Blinded by the “Science”?
Ya know where “Science” comes from…?
And what “Pharmaceutical” means?
It’s all the “craft” rebranded.
That’s key to understanding this current stage of the “challenge”.
And making it through to the next round.
May the odds be ever in your favor
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