The Swab Test: An ANALysis of DisInformation

Debunking deep bunk.

The Ministry of Disinformation at Facebook is displeased again and has "branded" this post as "Fake News"...


The one criticism I will point out about this theory was calling this area the "Blood Brain Barrier". That was incorrect terminology, but as we'll discuss later, [see “Nose-to-brain (N2B) delivery allows application of drugs at the roof of the nasal cavity," description below for a teaser]  
This area is also considered the gateway for the olfactory/trigeminal pathway, which bypasses the Blood Brain Barrier in respect to drug delivery, direct to the brain....

So their wording was off, but the intended meaning/destination was correct.

Supplemental imagery from Mia E.......

So, now let’s break down this little nugget of bovine feces flavored disinformation from the "Fact Checkers".


To begin with... Nobody said anything about piercing it??? [but there is evidence that has happened *article link provided in resources below]

Emiley Bargo said, “If, in some way, your Blood-Brain Barrier is compromised, it becomes a "Leaky Blood-Brain Barrier" which is an inflamed brain! It then allows bacteria & other toxins to enter your brain & infect the brain tissue which can lead to inflammation and sometimes death. ”And she supported it with a link to more information…

SO their “leading expert” Thomas Hartung, MD, a professor at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health admits after dismissing her statement as "Fake News"  “It's true that the barrier can be compromised in a number of ways. Some bacterial infections, certain neurological diseases and inflammation are all ways in which the barrier could be damaged.”

He confirms the core of her statement right here… “it's true that the barrier can be compromised in a number of ways”

“But swabbing to test for coronavirus? That's not going to compromise the blood-brain barrier. As Hartung wrote:”

Anyone who has had this test, or observed it may disagree...
It is my assertion that poking such a sensitive area with a stick, certainly counts as a compromising incident that could cause inflammation.
I have heard from some people it was very painful, one healthcare worker even said “During one of my tests something went pop in my nose.” that caused her and her husband concern.

Now I suspect, considering the wildly inaccurate results and the high volume of "False Positives" I have seen, [some of which involve testing goats, fruit, cannabis and inanimate objects] that many of those tests swabs are laden with “something”

But let's not get distracted... yet.
This gets even funnier...

Dr Hartung goes on to say “You cannot reach the brain from the nose without going through bone.”

And again “The blood-brain-barrier is the barrier between the blood vessels in the brain (endothelial cells) and the brain (formed by a helper cell, i.e. astrocytes). It is a microscopic structure. No way to reach any of this from the nose - there is a mucus membrane, bones of the scull, meninges, cerebrospinal fluid etc. between”…

Let that marinate in your consciousness for a minute...

Meanwhile this scientific report  boasts Intranasal Nose-to-Brain Delivery as evidence that it is not only “possible” but “suitable for the development of systemic or local intranasal drug delivery as well as for intranasal vaccinations.”

“Nose-to-brain (N2B) delivery allows application of drugs at the roof of the nasal cavity, which are transported to the central nervous system (CNS) of humans”

So, it is certainly possible to deliver a drug or vaccine through the nose and bypass the blood/brain barrier….

This evidence proves his claim "You cannot reach the brain from the nose without going through bone.” to be wildly inaccurate…
And I don't think anyone made a claim that the swab stick was passing through to the brain anyway... but here we are.

In fact, this area is a known " drug administration pathway" proven to bypass the Blood Brain Barrier... to deliver drugs, [nanoparticles] or vaccines… There are 2 paths one can take.
“Drugs passing along the olfactory pathway target the olfactory bulb, whereas drugs transported via the trigeminal pathway are delivered predominantly to the brain stem.

So in summary we have another fine example of programming / propaganda. Dr Hartung's own statements agree that Emily's core thesis was true...

One argued the merits of assertions that she did not even make?

Meanwhile his statements were demonstrably incorrect, and yet in the end they claim it is all “Fake News”…????

SO is Dr. Hartung woefully unaware about this Nose-to-brain (N2B) delivery pathway that bypasses the Blood Brain Barrier or is he being intentionally deceptive?

Either way, it is shamefully “incorrect”… And one wonders why they would go to such lengths to discredit such a plausible concern for one's health and welfare by someone on Facebook sharing information with friends and family...???????

So here’s the remaining questions one must face; WTF is on the end of that stick?

Why are they shoving it deep up to the olfactory pathway to that special spot that will bypass the blood brain barrier??? When we are told the evil Corona Monster is so deadly contagious that one must stand 6' away with a mask on tight or everyone will die!

And why are they so desperately trying to discredit anyone that questions the narrative???????

If anyone has access to a testing kit and analysis lab, that would be enlightening.
Considering the multitude of false positive cases involving, fruit, goats and inanimate objects we have a serious problem somewhere in that chain causing false positive results.

My bet is that you will find something like this….

But that's just a "Crazy Conspiracy Theory"...



***Now update to 5-21 and we have  official lab results and imagery

An analysis of test sticks from COVID PCR tests by a hospital in Slovakia confirms genocide PDF

Breaking news after medical analysis: PCR tests prove to be a tool for genocide

An analysis of test sticks from COVID PCR tests by a hospital in Slovakia confirms genocide. This is a global, thoughtful and carefully prepared event!

Very disturbing news from Slovakia, where hospital staff in Bratislava conducted an investigation into the PCR tests. They concluded that the cotton swab tests, which are inserted through the nose all the way to the brain, are designed to implant your body with DARPA Hydrogel.

Criminal instrument for genocide

The analysis was carried out in the months of November 2020 to March 2021 on test swabs in sets: SD Biosensor, Abbott and Nadal, in an – for safety reasons – unnamed hospital laboratory in Bratislava, Slovakia. Here is the link to the full, comprehensive study in PDF format. Even a layman like me can understand this.

And anyone who has at least a standard school microscope and a test microscope can verify the information, regarding the test swabs published here. All information about Test Sticks, DARPA Hydrogel, and Lithium is publicly available in scientific and business work. See the links at the bottom of the PDF document and at the bottom of this article.

It is clear from this information that test sticks are a criminal tool for genocide of the people of Slovakia. However, this is a global, thoughtful and carefully prepared event!

Hollow nylon fibers at the end of PCR tests

These broken-formed fiber ends have the task of disrupting the epithelium, the surface layer of your mucous membranes. Due to their breakage at the tip and subsequent leaching and loss of their fiber content – that’s DARPA Hydrogel and Lithium – these substances end up in your body… close to the brain! These hollow fibers or threads are patented by, you guessed it, DARPA.

This image shows a longitudinally opened fiber with broken end, and shows DARPA Hydrogel balls. See also the other images in the PDF for clarification.

This ‘material’ now remains after emptying in the back of your nasal cavity!

After contact of the DARPA Hydrogel with your organic liquids, such as saliva, they start to form rectangular crystal structures within minutes . These grow and multiply. See the result after 24 hours in the PDF!

Main target: your pineal gland

These DARPA Hydrogel ‘crystals’ create a spatial 3D structure and grow right through your body tissue.

DARPA Hydrogel crystals grew under the microscope in the direction of the magnetic field… This means that it grows in the nasal cavity towards the pineal gland. The pineal gland creates a locally stronger magnetic field than the external magnetic field of the earth.

You must realize that natural crystallization of saliva, without DARPA Hydrogel, creates crystals that do not form 3D spatial models or rectangular structures; neither do they grow fractally, so they multiply.

Ivermectin used as a test …

As a kind of test, Ivermectin was added to the unnatural crystallization. This caused an immediate, complete and permanent disappearance of the DARPA Hydrogel crystal structures. Ivermectin thus has an incredibly strong effect against what DARPA Hydrogel produces in our organisms! Ivermectin is an anti-parasitic drug that is effective against most intestinal worms, parasitic mites and lice.

The effect of DARPA Hydrogel on human blood cells

Addition of DARPA Hydrogel from the PCR test stick resulted in, don’t be alarmed, a total slaughter of red blood cells! In addition, DARPA Hydrogel forms blood clots within seconds. These clots damage and then clog the blood vessels!


After deliberately expanding a mixture of nylon fiber fragments in your nose, DARPA Hydrogel along with Lithium remains on the nasal mucosa, under the pituitary and pineal glands. This mixture immediately reacts with living structures to form crystals that target the pineal gland, which has its own electromagnetic field. After all, man is a bio-electric being. The shape of the crystals says something about the type of hydrogel that was used.

4.2) Analysis Of PCR test swabs .pdf Download Link

  “Nose-to-Brain delivery zone for nanoparticles and drugs"




Yet here we have evidence of a number of people coincidentally suffering brain damage...?
 Cause vs. Effect?

Scientists warn of potential wave of COVID-linked brain damage
This is more evidence the theory of brain damage being caused from inflammation or contamination by the testing, plausible...

"The swab may be accidentally contaminated with the virus during collection"?

It is likely contaminated with the "virus" before it even reaches your olfactory pathway... 

I think there is substantial evidence to support the theory that there is "something" on that stick...

Internal HHS investigation finds CDC's early test kits were 'contaminated'

CDC’s failed coronavirus tests were tainted with coronavirus, feds confirm

C.D.C. Labs Were Contaminated, Delaying Coronavirus Testing, Officials Say

On another note... Funny coincidence how all these steps were outlined in Event 201, last year. 10/19... A Corona Virus pandemic simulation drill presented by Gates foundation and Johns Hopkins of which Dr Hartung is employed...  One may consider that he has a "vested interest" in the narrative...?
Watch this like your life depends on it. SERIOUSLY. There is MUCH more to this.

Full drill catalog here

And then there's this.

Caveat Redemptor: One must be able to seperate the wheat from chaff and "fact-check" everything for yourself, if you want to make it to the next round...

The more you know, the less you just believe...

Additional resources:

You can find scores of examples of people dying after TESTING...
Can you discern the reality of a cause/effect relationship?

Arizona teachers share classroom, one dies after testing positive for COVID-19

Man, 37, who died from coronavirus had dismissed pandemic ‘hype’ on Facebook

Another person in Fresno County dies after testing positive for COVID-19. Death rate at 1%

Read more here:

NBC News employee dies after testing positive for coronavirus

Caesars employee dies days after positive COVID-19 test

2nd Minnesota inmate dies after testing positive for coronavirus

Coronavirus pandemic could cause wave of brain damage, scientists warn
Most of the patients who showed brain inflammation were diagnosed with a specific, rare and sometimes deadly condition known as Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (ADEM). Before the pandemic, the research team in London would see about one ADEM patient per month. During the study period, the number rose to at least one a week.

Died after negative test

A Patent Review on Nanotechnology-Based Nose-to-Brain Drug Delivery

CNS DELIVERY – Bypassing the BBB: Drug Delivery From the Olfactory Mucosa to the CNS

Scientists warn of potential wave of COVID-linked brain damage
This is more evidence the theory of brain damage being caused from inflammation or contamination by the testing, plausible...

‘Hidden epidemic’ after Covid-19: Scientists sound alarm as strokes, nerve damage reported even in mild and recovering cases

Warning of serious brain disorders in people with mild coronavirus symptoms
When cause meets effect...

Intranasal Drug Delivery Bypasses the Blood–Brain Barrier

Three Types of Tyrosine Hydroxylase-Positive CNS Neurons Distinguished by Dopa Decarboxylase and VMAT2 Co-Expression

Nose-to-brain delivery of antipsychotics using nanotechnology: a review

This area where they shove their testing stick is considered the gateway for the olfactory/trigeminal pathway, which bypasses the Blood Brain Barrier in respect to drug delivery, direct to the brain....

A Patent Review on Nanotechnology-Based Nose-to-Brain Drug Delivery

CNS DELIVERY – Bypassing the BBB: Drug Delivery From the Olfactory Mucosa to the CNS
Scientists warn of potential wave of COVID-linked brain damage
This is more evidence the theory of brain damage being caused from inflammation or contamination by the testing, plausible...


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