FaceBook and the ZuckerBorg; All your data are belong to us.
I am certain at this point one function of Facebook is to milk humans for data about what it is to be human so they can program AI bots.
Every time we "like", "love" or "Hate" something or comment is recorded. Each comment analyzed and categorized. This will help regional AI bots better interface with other humans. For example a bot in rural Tennessee will act and talk differently than one from upstate New York, or Southern California etc. I am certain Zuckerberg has a bot styled after him.
The 2nd function is to reprogram humans with controlled info and propaganda to manipulate and redirect behavior, beLIEfs and perceptions to make us easy to control as a herd. All the fake news is real and the real news is fake. That’s our first hint, “everything we know is a lie”. If knowledge is power, the herd is powerless.
The 3rd function is to monitor and record all information about each of us to sell for advertising targeting data.
The 4th is to monitor all behavior for intelligence and law enforcement purposes in case one “gets out of line”…. They want your 10 year photos to fine tune the facial recognition system. If they asked you for this data, one would refuse. But if they make it a fun game, one complies. See how easily manipulated we are, because we were programmed to beLIEve… not to think.
We are being mined for our precious human “data”. Milked like cattle… The user’s agreement gives them license to use our data for “lifetime”, for 3rd parties, even if you delete your account…
There’s a reason Facebook was funded with CIA money through their venture capitol firm In-Q-Tel. https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/intelligence-history/in-q-tel
And they are not the only one…
The initial blueprint for Facebook was a DARPA program called “LifeLog” that ended the day Facebook went “live”.
Zuck is not some rags to riches wonder boy. He is a trained asset. Just like most of those shiny people on TV with Operation Mockingbird. Another CIA operation to control media. Anderson Cooper (Vanderbilt) is their darling poster boy for this program.
“The More You Know”… the less you just beLIEve...
Privacy is non-existent. Our data can be used for "perpetual" use and is irrevocable per the user agreement.
The connection between Facebook & DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) has some grotesque tentacles: the Information Awareness Office (IAO); TIA (Total Information Awareness, renamed Terrorism Information Program); and TIPS (Terrorism Information and Prevention System). But as bad as the beginning of Facebook is, the parallels between the CIA's backing of Google's dream of becoming "the mind of God," and the CIA's funding of Facebook's goal of knowing everything about everybody is anything but benign.
DARPA, the CIA and Facebook
The Internet began as a Military experiment in 1962. The first recorded description of the social interactions that could be enabled through networking was a series of memos written by J.C.R. Licklider of MIT in August 1962 discussing his "Galactic Network" concept. He envisioned a globally interconnected set of computers through which everyone could quickly access data and programs from any site. Licklider was the first head of the computer research program at DARPA in October 1962. From the Internet's inception DARPA, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, has been in the background doing what they do best, gathering infomation. Today along with the CIA, DARPA enjoys the information bounty of the world's greatest social information resource, Facebook.
It was financed with CIA money through their venture capitol firm In-Q-Tel and modeled after DARPA's LifeLog project... So effectively, it is "public". We paid for it...
Welcome to the New World Order.
What's the "end game"?
Well, if you comprehend why Jeff Rothschild was Facebook's VP, you get extra credit points...
Don't worry though, I'm sure SNOPES has crafted a fine "piece" to lead you to beLIEve that this is all "FALSE".
The fun thing about this tool is that we can use it to share data as well. Knowledge is power. Get ya some before it's too late.
The monster otherwise known as "Google, Youtube and Facebook" has assumed control over information and that little window of opportunity to share "truth" (outside the narrative) is rapidly closing.
We have moved from the "information age", past the "disinformation age" to the "no information age"...
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