This simulation we call "reality".

"Reality" is a simulation?
Welcome my son, welcome to the machine.
Where have you been?
It's alright we know where you've been...
Understanding the true nature of this reality is crucial, when “Everything we know is a lie”. One can not escape from a wet cardboard box if they beLIEve they are in a steel cage…

“If you want to understand the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration”, like the real supergenius hinted years ago….

I always suspected there was more to "reality" than I was told about by the teachers, preachers, and them shiny peoples on TV, albeit quietly. It wasn't until the interweb came along that I found there were others who secretly considered the same and have since found some amazing evidence to support this crazy theory.

It's a rough road for some to consider, there are so many things you must be aware of beyond the "narrative", to unlearn and relearn for this to "compute". I think it's important. The core of our "existence" is to solve this. Like an interactive challenge. Yes, like a video game.

This is an evolving collection of data and thoughts to help one along the journey. It changes daily.

This is a mega playlist of clips on this subject line that was valuable, but there is SO much more to it.


This nice piece covering highlights of Quantum Physics is a good start.

Quantum Gravity Research is doing some fine work unraveling life's mysteries.
What Is Reality?

Hacking Reality

The Mandela Effect

*If you are unaware of the "Mandela Effect" do a quick Youtube search, invest a few moments and hang on tight to your noodle. Seriously, do it now. I'll wait. You will get a big kick out of this little field trip. The rest of this won't make a lick of sense to you otherwise...
This groovy dude offers a wild ride. Your perception of reality will never be the same...
When you wrap your head around the magnitude of this, the simulation theory starts to sound more and more like the true nature of this “reality". I suspect, this is part of the challenge to make us think about the nature of this construct.
There are few possibilities to explain this:

1. Our collective memories are skewed.

2. We merged timelines.

3. Someone time traveled and changed something.

4. CERN shifted us into an alternate dimension.


5. We live in a complex frequency propagated simulation and the background was changed without updating our memory...
Possibly as a hint... I suspect life is a "challenge". Like a massive interactive game show. Only we don't know what the game is or what the rules are. And, like Pin The Tail On The Donkey we start out blind folded and are spun til we're dizzy... and sent off on a "wild goose chase".

Everything we are told is a lie. And the first trick, is figuring that out. The 2nd, is discovering what the truth is? And 3rd, how does one "break on through to the other side"...? To the other side, yeah...
I am not so thrilled with the firmware update, considering this timeline has crazy baby eating lizard peoples trying to thin the minion herd with various  slow kill mechanisms... I’d rather switch back to the other one if possible. That version was cool.
I memorized verses from the KJV 35 years ago, and now the text in my old bibles magically changed?  Let’s talk about one example, Isaiah 11:6 in the King James version. This used to read "the lion will lie down with the lamb", now it reads "the wolf will lie down with the lamb"???
When I first heard about this I had fun asking several friends and family who study the bible, do they remember "the lion will lie down with the lamb", or ”the wolf will lie down with the lamb"?
The puzzled look on their faces was priceless after going to verify this in their own bible…  Everyone I know remembered "Lion and the lamb".
I certainly recall it was the “lion and lamb”. There are songs and artwork also that reconfirm this. “Peace in the Valley” for example. I would sing Johnny Cash's version often.
When I asked why they thought this was “happening” I was amazed at how people will find any way to justify their narrative, instead of thinking the information is a hint that something is off…
There are numerous other verses that have changed retroactively. All in the KJV.  Not other versions.
The big hint about the Lord’s prayer change 
v12 "And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors." is that the following verses that help explain the prayer, refer to “trespasses” NOT debts. 
v14 "For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you:"
v15 "But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses."
Nobody would use the word “trespasses” to explain context of “debts” from a previous verse. It is inconsistent. It is an indication that the prayer was altered without the foresight of altering the verse that lends it context to be congruent.
There are words/phrases altered now that were not even in use/existence in the time the bible was written. Such as "opening the matrix" (5 times), “stuff”, "bottles", "tires", "unicorns" (8 times), "banks", "aliens", "couches" and more.
And I'm not talking about new prints or copies, but retroactive changes to bibles that have been in print for decades…
And this??? Ezekiel 23:20
"There she lusted after her lovers who were hung like donkeys and could cum like horses".
I don’t recall that being in there? Riding the pew at church would have been so much more exciting if it had been, I would have remembered that sermon…
And that one section where Jesus asked his followers to bring his enemies before him and slay them. That was totally contrary to the narrative…
If you have not studied the Bible, much of this might not seem as relevant otherwise. But I have studied it for decades while researching numerous topics so I know for certain they have been altered. There are even more verses than those featured in the clip.
Go back and check your old copies, they have been changed. That's the wild part, it wasn't just a new edition that was released.
Now consider the Mandela Effect that has altered the text in those bibles retroactively and ask yourself, can I trust anything in this book anymore? And what the !@$% is going on?
 And these wild changes in geography, products, pop culture, celebrity deaths and historical events are being noticed by many people who remember reality differently. Field of Dreams said "build it and they will come", now it says "build it and HE will come". Many seem to hint at ominous warnings… The wolf and the lamb has a drastically different meaning symbolically.
Another interesting point, I had a birthmark on my upper right thigh, it is no longer there…??? I think the ME is more of a clue to rethink our perception of what reality is. For this to happen it gives more validity to the theory that this is a freq driven "simulation"... It's not possible for any physical explanation of our bibles, books and media change, retroactively that have been in our possession for decades...

There are tons more examples, Berenstein Bears, Ford, Fruit Loops, corporate logos, popular phrases from movies and more, but the focus here is investigating the possibility that we are in a complex simulation. I consider this one fine example in the “yes” check box.  

Here are a few more links on the subject

Here's the video where an Irish pastor researched google searches for the term lion and lamb and the peak date was Jan 2009, the wolf and the lamb had zero search result until after this peak.
CERN The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is the world’s largest and most powerful particle accelerator. It first started up on 10 September 2008 to search for the "God" particle.
Another video on the bible change subject.
CERN is believed to be at the heart of the changes people are noticing.
Here's a page showing their 666 logo and that they first operated in Sept 10 2008
CERN official trailer
This bizarre piece was released by the "scientists" before starting their tests.
Ripe with occult symbols many believe it is a coded message. Here are a few folks attempting to analyze the symbolism. The most interesting is the 666 embedded in the CERN logo.
Einstein was no Einstein... Einstein, Darwin, Copernicus, Newton and the rest were controlled shills creating pseudoscience to support the false narrative. The actual “science” they discovered was kept secret from the masses. It’s hard to really figure out anything in this life when our basis of understanding is false. I had to tear it all down and rebuild. This is an exceptional clip to illustrate the truth about Einstein and Tesla and what that means to "reality" or the foundation of our "understanding"... Tesla exposed his fallacies and warned us, but they silenced his voice. Lovely article.

The Manufacture and Sale of Saint Einstein - The Propaganda of Supremacy Michael Tellinger has a mega presentation where he covers many of the keys that have been hidden. The last half is most important but you need the rest for context. It's very rich to digest, it could take multiple passes before new lights will start turning on. This one covers some of the material, in a new way, with some wild new discoveries. Study the Hermetic Principles as well.
This isn't one of them, but it should be. It defines and exposes an unwritten law.  

I think I have figured out a hack in the matrix
It is quietly said that the only time one could effect mass change is by raising awareness. Once a threshold of the population is aware, change happens. Typically I think this threshold is considered to be 10% of a target population.

If you are familiar with the 100th monkey effect it seems to validate that.
The interesting thing is that with the monkeys that changed their behavior, which were on different islands, that did not have visual access to what the other monkeys were doing, indicates that this reality is controlled by a program. And that we are all connected together through a force. They all changed once the threshold was met, almost automatically. Remotely, as if controlled by a central source.

I suspect this is a force that we can have an effect on... if we follow the laws and mechanisms that govern it.

Obviously the elite know this and use it for their benefit. It is part of the secret knowledge.

They don't tell us this in school because they don't want us to change their world.
They have also removed simple elements about how to pray from the sacred texts that prevent manifestation.
This keeps the masses powerless. It clips their wings, so they don't fly too far away, or too high.

If we could manifest what we want and need, we would not be dependent on their control mechanisms. We would not need to work in jobs that we hate and pay taxes for services we can provide for ourselves.

We vastly outnumber them.
Yet they control us like a wild herd?

When they want us to move a certain direction they create a narrative using the media, scientists manufacture “science” to support it, celebrities use their "voice" to advocate for it and government officials legislate it as the "way".
They manipulate the threshold to beLIEve, albeit falsely, it still works. Once you beLIEve; that becomes the reality. Regardless of what truth may be.
So if we want change on a mass scale we need to employ the mechanisms. We need to influence those 100 monkeys and lead them all to think/act in a positive direction. (Figuratively speaking)  

Raising awareness beyond the threshold is the key to mass change.

Hacking YOUR reality

Greg Braden has a nice lecture about the "Lost mode of prayer" that covers one simple element that was removed from the sacred texts that can be the difference between success and failure.

Short overview link

Detailed playlist

It’s the feeling, the “energy, freq and vibration” you transmit. It is a magneto electric universe. Now you see how the energy you project, attracts... manifests.

And then there's this, "Quantum Jumping" it may sound crazy, but it is effective.

This Manifestation Technique Can Change Your Life! (The Two Cup Method)

This is hilarious. Why The NPC Meme Triggers NPCs L/R false paradigm politics aside, it highlights one suspicion I have about "most" of the people. It's like they are background actors. Filler. Soulless beings following a program. Hard to explain.  

If you have anything to add, to help fill in the blanks here, please do so.
Btw, if you know the name of the artist that did this series please let us know.

I can offer one fresh example that could support the theory that reality is a simulation.
Audio recorders record waves. They don’t store particles.

You can analyze digital audio recordings on a computer and see the wave forms and frequency range.
Cameras record waves. They do not store particles. We are not made of particles, but waves. When we take our own image, it records the wave forms, you can see it live in a pro camera when you set the meter to display wave forms. Showing what we really are. Wave forms of energy at different frequencies. If you seek to discern whether we are particles or waves, this is a big hint…

Reality is most likely an intricate holograms.


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