The beetless
With their new hits.
"I wanna own your land"
"Happiness is a warm bug"
"Nothing is all you need" [To be happy]
"Love me don't"
"Sgt Peppers explosive hearts club band" [Get Vaccinated!]
"With a little help from my Stormtroopers" [Operation Warpspeed]
"Here comes the sun", [And there go the special planes to spray it all away]
"Free as a Bird" [In a cage with a tracking chip]
"The Long and Winding Road to the New Normal World Order
"Baby I'm a rich man"
"The Continuing Story of Bunghole Bill" [Epstein's Fantasy Island]
"Dizzy Miss Lizzy" [Just got her booster]
"It Won't Be Long"
"Baby you can't Drive your Car"[#VaccidentsHappen] [Climate Change]
"Everybody's Got Something to Hide Except Me and My WEF Puppets"
"The Fool on the Hill"
"I'm a Loser"
"I'm Looking Through You" [Big Brother is watching]
"Maxwell's Silver Hummer" [Epstein is alive on his new island]
"Why Don't We Do It in the Bunker?"
"You Can't Do That"
"You Really Got a Hold on Me" [Track and trace]
"Ticket to Ride" [Vaccine Passport]
"She's a Woman" [With a penis]
"Run for Your Life"
"Money (That's What I Want)"
"Starlink in the Sky with DeathRays"
"Everybody's Trying to inject My Baby"
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