Lord Musk is gonna save the Twitterverse!

"Did you hear Lord Musk is gonna save the Twitterverse for the Red Cult!"............
OOh how the media sells the supervillains as heroes and the minions worship them so fervently...
Sorry Musketeers... Your Free Speech Messiah is Owned by BlackRock/Vanguard. The same Corporate Overlords that own We The People, The Democrats, the Republicans as well as the Mighty US Corporation, The Russian Corporation, The Ukrainian Corporation and all the others and damn near everything in this reality.

This hero fostering propaganda operation is a theatrical affair to lead you to believe... your words are precious and "free"... And save the fledgling TwitterVerse. While documenting everything we all say... think and do...

Meanwhile... Lord Musk intends to microchip everyone, to allow full remote control.
[Neuralink Corporation = implantable brain–machine interfaces]
And help solve Global Overpopulation!
[Starlink = Mobile Space Laser Death Ray]

Now, you can use any of the "Approved" words that you want.
Yet if you were to use words that violate "Community Standards" or discuss unapproved ideas or engage in independent thought beyond the narrative, you may feel a slight shock... until you learn to OBEY! Or you may be turned in to a pillar of salt...

Obedience will set you free!


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