
Showing posts from 2020

The Invasion of the Corona Monster: "2020 is Hindsight"...

Coming soon a mindbreaking documentary about the apocalypse. "2020 is Hindsight"... It's a diabolical Sci-thriller about eugenicidal mad scientists, tasked by the nefarious overlords that rule from the shadows, to unleash a nanotech bioweapon upon the masses of minions via the flu vaccine. That causes numerous deaths and world wide panic fueled by synchronized media coverage. The shiny people on TV lead the minions to believe that it’s an Invisible Enemy that will hunt them down by riding spit balls, then jump on their face, climb up their nose like a Ninja, repel down into the lungs and kill them.     This is achieved by using the 60 Hz Lily Wave embedded in the signal to affect the “programming” causing them to be lulled into a lucid, hypnotic, trance-like state. Under the “broadcast” of this “spell” they will believe anything they are led to, without question. Furthermore, they are programmed to spew rage upon anyone who dares defy this narrative, fail to COMPLY or dis...

Planets are not spinning rock balls [Luminary Entities]

Planets [When reality defies the narrative you were led to be LIE ve... It's time to upgrade your factory installed operating system] The “planets” are not terra firma. You can't land a spaceship on that Buck Rogers... NASA provides CGI imagery and pseudo science-fiction tales. Planets are like cymatic frequencies. They would be best described as "Luminary Entities" . Watch this. Live examples make it obvious. When you see a still image it is difficult to see. Tesla hinted “If you want to understand the universe think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration”. This understanding certainly makes it possible to understand many of these other points. Each "planet" emits sonoluminescent energy at different frequencies. When these sources come closer to us and move further away, that energy affects us. It causes us to think/feel/act differently. This lends some credence to astrology. It's more simple to realize this effect with the...

Is "God" going to destroy the Parthenon?

SO I was looking to find any real construction photos of Nashville’s Parthenon. What I did find was an already built structure, with scaffolding and concrete molds around the column. My first thought was, they made concrete exterior to hide the original columns in order to claim they built it. I did not find any actual ground level construction images??? Is that another indication of the reality? Or did I just fail to find them?  I got interested in this after a few wild comments on a Parthenon video about it being destroyed soon by a "meteor". Now there are some historians that are researching the Tartarian Empire that claim this temple and idol is an original and NOT a replication. That a more advanced society living in America before Columbus came that had elaborate castles, cathedrals, State buildings and more. Their empire was wiped out. They left that out of the record and told us indigenous tribes were all they found… And the...

Child harvesting operations

The Overlords have given themself authority over you and your children, under the guise of "salvation". Have you heard of Operation Pied Piper ? Operation Kindertransport ? The Orphan Trains ?   Operation Pied Piper   Is it really a "rescue operation" if most of the children never see their parents again? Or was it designed that way? Operation Kindertransport. Here's an award winning example of propaganda covering the official version of the narrative... The official narrative is always such a glowing testament to the good character and efforts of our overlords to keep us safe at the hands of those other evil overlords. So under Kindertrans...