The Invasion of the Corona Monster: "2020 is Hindsight"...
Coming soon a mindbreaking documentary about the apocalypse. "2020 is Hindsight"... It's a diabolical Sci-thriller about eugenicidal mad scientists, tasked by the nefarious overlords that rule from the shadows, to unleash a nanotech bioweapon upon the masses of minions via the flu vaccine. That causes numerous deaths and world wide panic fueled by synchronized media coverage. The shiny people on TV lead the minions to believe that it’s an Invisible Enemy that will hunt them down by riding spit balls, then jump on their face, climb up their nose like a Ninja, repel down into the lungs and kill them. This is achieved by using the 60 Hz Lily Wave embedded in the signal to affect the “programming” causing them to be lulled into a lucid, hypnotic, trance-like state. Under the “broadcast” of this “spell” they will believe anything they are led to, without question. Furthermore, they are programmed to spew rage upon anyone who dares defy this narrative, fail to COMPLY or dis...