Relax, it's just the plague...

Here’s a few things the shiny man on TV failed to mention.


Heads Up Oregon
Several cases of plague have already been found.
If you know history, most "drills" coincidentally go "live".
Every major "event" in recent time was preceded by a drill.


HEADS UP! ~ Mass Virus Black Plague "Drill" Ongoing In Oregon 4/30 - 5/2/19

Oregon health officials to drill on intentional plague release

Jewish family has measles scare on airplane
Police on international flights and medical personnel now testing people for diseases, while in the air???

What is that orb? And WTH is it spraying???

This explains it. Cloaking tech. Using DEDs (Dark Emitting Diodes) and light redirection to create a cloud-like ball to mask the appearance.

It doesn’t explain why we have cloaked aircraft spraying the skies or what they are spraying though…???

Viruses—lots of them—are falling from the sky

Update ~ Oregon Plague "Drill" ~ and No Shot, No Fly, No Movie Theaters
A rather frightening piece. Claiming the newborn vaccines have a rather nefarious role to disassociate one's soul from their body at birth. As an intentional plan crafted decades ago by Rudolf Steiner???


Shooting up a newborn for hepatitis always perplexed people since a baby's risk of contracting this was negligible...

Why Officials In Oregon Are Practicing For A Plague Outbreak


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