
You have to be a special kind of "special" to still beLIEve in CONtrails.

You are being CONned alright.

The Persistent CONtrail Fairy is a mythological creature.

Please take a minute and remedy your situation.
These fun examples might help, or not. Some people simply don't have the "capacity".
If you made it this far without looking up and realizing this for yourself, you might be one of them...

Forgive me for my insolence, I have lost all patients for Raging Ignotards...

This page is mainly for the "feelers".
If you prefer facts and official evidence, this page is for the thinkers.

Who puts the CON in COntrails?


Hot stuff

HydroxyChloroquine = Trojan horse + "A schism of trust"

The real "Invisible Enemy". Virus-Like Particles activated via Magnet Assisted Transfection. [nanotech]

The Outerlands: Earth, not a ball spinning through spaceland, but it's far more than "flat"...

All the world's a stage

AMEN: The Hidden One

The injected are transmitting dis ease?

Androgyne [Self-replicating humans with dual genitalia]

Q = dissident harvesting operation.

Angels of death... Pass Over?

The Swab Test: An ANALysis of DisInformation