The real fake secret "space" program. MAGNETOHYDRODYNAMICS… Anti-gravity is magnetism.

The real secret space program. Medium sized white men in flying saucers pretending to be little green men. And the technology they use to do it… Look at this information carefully. "Anti-gravity" is MAGNETOHYDRODYNAMICS… powered by aether. You know, the stuff Einstein claimed didn’t exist in his “theory” of relativity... It's like levitation using sonic resonance. It's natural, like how bees move, not by flapping their wings, but creating a vibration field using resonance and levitating. Altering the electro magnetic frequency.

It's like "free energy" technology they claim only exists in the imagination of mad scientists...
Gravity is a farce. It is really Universal Compression. Tesla had it right.
The planets are not "terra firma" but cymatic frequencies. You can not land a space ship on a cymatic frequency. There are no Mars bases and there never will be.
Spaceland is an imagination sold as fact. To facilitate that, they create the illusion that UFOs from other galaxies exist. The kicker is when they officially claim that UFOS are "crazy conspiracy theory"...

Everything you know is a lie. This is just another layer of the bullshit onion.

When you see this "evidence" most don't realize it's full value, because we were programmed to beLIEve it was a product of "reverse engineering"...

Crop circles are made using directed energy weapons. Another fraudulent effort to make people believe in aliens, ufos and spaceland...


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