One way tickets to "Crazy Town"?


If you think beyond the narrative and agenda of the Overlords, there's good news, help is on the way.

They have enacted new laws to brand you as "crazy", force medicate and place you in a detainment facility where you can get the help you need!

Governor Newsom Signs CARE Court Into Law, Providing a New Path Forward for Californians Struggling with Serious Mental Illness

NY's new program to force mentally ill into treatment draws comparisons to Newsom's CARE courts


Conspiracy Theorists are effectively "Political Dissidents" rebranded.

Conspiracy theories are a mental health crisis

Conspiracy Theories: A Public Health Concern and How to Address It





[Are conspiracy theorists psychotic? A comparison between conspiracy theories and paranoid delusions] 



 So, if we learn anything here today, it is that helping enable the agenda and spreading the official narrative is good for your health!





 You can still cling to the belief that the "Climate Change" is caused by a vengeful God enraged over cow farts and car exhaust.

Or you can peak behind the curtain and see the climate is being changed, by the same monsters that profit from all of our Green Fees, Climate taxes and those new regulations that enslave us all...
You have a choice.
Mass Awareness is the cure for a mass deception


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