The Crazy Snake Juice Connection: "Died Suddenly"

Pay close attention to this.
Diagram illustration of Snake Venom Hydrogel clotting properties

Images of clots and blood anomalies found in mass among deceased individuals by embalmers.
Quelle Coincidence?

So let's analyze some important elements of Stew Peter's film "Died Suddenly" created by Matt Skow and Nic Stumphauser.

It's an enlightening film for those who are otherwise unaware.
It's almost as if it were "crafted" as a Deprogramming Tool to awaken the masses from their spell. The montage and opening sequences were superbly edited. And the Pink Floyd cut made it all go down like honey.

I love how they avoided making commentary or drawing conclusions and instead allowed the testimony and supporting information to paint the picture from experts in their respective field.

Although it did not expose what the Invisible Enemy really is and what is it demonstrably NOT ["virus"] The embalmer and whistleblower interviews were exceptional.
However it is missing an analysis of the clots. And a connection to the compounds in the vials to drive the point and lend validity.

But considering the nature of the clots and the consistency from the testimony of the embalmers and funeral directors, an important reality has been exposed.

See "fibrin blood clots AND degradation fragments" [derived from snake venom] in relation to the anomalies seen in the blood.

In conjunction with the binding properties of Graphene Oxide magnetite nano, it appears that Snake Venom Hydrogel is the component that may be causing the polymer fibrin clots. Snake Venom is documented as a coagulant medication to stop profuse bleeding. You can see it is being study for it's ability to clot... It certainly is relevant to a discussion on clotting mechanisms.

Now, there's debate about the relevance of his film, concerning the Snake Venom connection and Dr Ardis' research awhile back called "Watch the Water". Many "truthers" are calling Stew Peter's a "Controlled Asset" and a "Shill".  When you attack a source, you bring a weak argument to the table.

Focus on the information.

Is this protein the source of the PRION/Spike protein?

Let's analyze a pile of pieces to fill in this puzzle. "What is in these clots"? And where does it comes from?

Researchers Create Snake Venom Hydrogel that Rapidly Stops Uncontrolled Bleeding

Even more interesting that it is being discovered in people who are not bleeding profusely and yet mysteriously die from abnormal and extreme clotting... strokes and heart attacks. As fibrin material is found in the veins.

Listen to Dr. James Giordano speak of self-assembling nanoparticles being used as a "stroking agent", some years ago. "They can be programmed to clump together/clot and restrict blood flow to organs…"

Brain Science from Bench to Battlefield: The Realities – and Risks – of Neuroweapons | CGSR Seminar
41:00 “Drugs and bugs, weapons of mass disruption”

43:00 “spreading viruses through target populations... using the media”.

Watch this 10x if you have not already seen it.

There is a synergistic connection between Graphene Oxide and fibrin polymerization
Read all this information carefully and you will see the relevance of the Snake Juice Connection and how those monster clots were formed.

Graphene Oxide magnetite self-assembling nano particles
These can be bound with PRION proteins, and Snake Venom Hydrogel.

Graphene oxide is the hot topic in biomedical and pharmaceutical research of the current decade. However, its complex interactions with human blood components complicate the transition from the promising in vitro results to clinical settings. Even though graphene oxide is made with the same atoms as our organs, tissues and cells, its bi-dimensional nature causes unique interactions with blood proteins and biological membranes and can lead to severe effects like thrombogenicity and immune cell activation. In this review, we will describe the journey of graphene oxide after injection into the bloodstream, from the initial interactions with plasma proteins to the formation of the “biomolecular corona”, and biodistribution. We will consider the link between the chemical properties of graphene oxide (and its functionalized/reduced derivatives), protein binding and in vivo response. We will also summarize data on biodistribution and toxicity in view of the current knowledge of the influence of the biomolecular corona on these processes. Our aim is to shed light on the unsolved problems regarding the graphene oxide corona to build the groundwork for the future development of drug delivery technology.

PEG is in antifreeze and many foods today, like Organic Orowheat bread..

Must be stored cool. Like those vials that were used early on that had to be refrigerated...?
It coagulates once it assumes body temperature.

There's far more to all this.


On the surface it looks like someone is selling some Snake Oil.
But there may be something to it after all.

So there's an abundance of evidence demonstrating Snake Venom is used as a clotting mechanism.

There is some information to demonstrate that using Graphene Oxide can trigger these clotting mechanisms within humans naturally.

Amyloidosis from severe inflammatory processes in our bodies triggered ElectroMagnetic Frequencies.

Like venom coursing through the body: Researchers identify mechanism driving COVID-19 mortality

Now it's funny if you ask the Google "Is Graphene Oxide is in the Injections?", they say "No, that's all Fake News".

But if you ask the Google about all those properties of GO in relation to what we observe in reality, the truth is exposed.

But pay close attention and you will see a number of possible remedies here that can help break down and remove the clots naturally.

Resources for further study.

Functionalized graphene oxide serves as a novel vaccine nano-adjuvant for robust stimulation of cellular immunity†

Fibrin Clots Are Equilibrium Polymers That Can Be Remodeled Without Proteolytic Digestion

Spontaneous Protein Adsorption on Graphene Oxide Nanosheets Allowing Efficient Intracellular Vaccine Protein Delivery

Mechanisms of fibrin polymerization and clinical implications

Abnormal blood clot formation induced by temperature responsive polymers by altered fibrin polymerization and platelet binding

Considering the fibrin polymer compounds in the clots, the Snake Venom connection may be part of this mechanism. Along with the PRION protein and Graphene Oxide magnetite nano

Heterologous fibrin sealant derived from snake venom: from bench to bedside – an overview

Researchers Create Snake Venom Hydrogel that Rapidly Stops Uncontrolled Bleeding

Quantitative Analysis of Snake Venoms Using Soluble Polymer-based Isotope Labeling*S⃞

Engineering the Protein Corona of a Synthetic Polymer Nanoparticle for Broad-Spectrum Sequestration and Neutralization of Venomous Biomacromolecules

See fibrin degradation fragments in relation to the anomalies seen in the blood
Snake Venom Hydrogels as a Rapid Hemostatic Agent for Uncontrolled Bleeding

Quantitative Analysis of Snake Venoms Using Soluble Polymer-based Isotope Labeling

Made From Snake Venom, These Hydrogels Could Treat Uncontrolled Bleeding

Engineered nanoparticles bind elapid snake venom toxins and inhibit venom-induced dermonecrosis

Snake venom helps hydrogels stop the bleeding

A New Hydrogel Made From Snake Venom Stops Bleeding in Seconds


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