Mass Awareness is the only cure ya need for a Mass Deception.

As we approach the final days of the Mighty US Corporation's Empirical rule.
The Evil Global Warming Monster’s orchestrated fires, floods, earthquakes, lightning strikes and other mayhem. [Weather Modification Operation] [UN Agenda 21/30]
The relocation of human capitol from the "Wildlands" to the Sustainable Cities".
The impending Short Ages.
Financial System Crash.
[The end of the dollar and "private" cash transactions]
EMP induced Dark Ages
WW3. [The nuking of LA, NY, Paris and London]
And the continuation of the Corona and related Invisible Enemy DePop OP. [Global Population Reduction Operation]
All to transition us in to the Brave New Normal World Order and the absolute control system the Overlords envision....

I ponder what value there may still be in trying to influence the herd of lemmings headed for the cliff, to change course?

The TV Programming is so strong... IF one has not escaped the CONstruct after 2 years........ it's seem futile to even attempt to share the reality at this point in the timeline...

But we're dammed if we do, dammed if we don't.

Such a struggle sometimes to decide between speaking out and shutting up.
Holding your tongue, when you know the truth about a deadly deception one may get caught up in, could cause them harm. [Are we responsible?]

Speaking out can relieve any responsibility we face, but can cause harm as well as it will trigger cognitive dissonance fueled rage.
One is programmed to spew up on any "Crazy Conspiracy Theorist" who defies the narrative they were led to believe, by the shiny man on TV.
Then they are programmed to make a joke about one’s tin foul hat and run away screaming "Fake News”, with a sense of Obedient Pride.

It’s a challenge.
And I suspect that EVERYthing we do and think is being observed and graded in this test we call “life”. We all must pass a Final Exam.

Might as well do what ya can to expose the false paradigm of this beast and save the world, with a smile on your face.

Like the guys that escaped a prison by chipping away at the cell wall one spoonful at a time. Every insignificant spoon full matters in the end.

Mass Awareness is the only cure ya need for a Mass Deception.
We don't need a Revolution, we need enlightenment. To break the spell...

Based on natural law, at least 11% of the populace must become aware [100th Monkey] to stop this DePop Op and NWO transition they call the “Great Reset”.
Otherwise the enlightened few may get "neutralized".
Such a dilemma.

We need those Cult Deprogrammers from the 70’s to help break the spell.


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