“The germ is nothing, the terrain is everything”
“I was wrong. The germ is nothing, the terrain is everything”… [Louis Pasteur’s death bed confession]
In school, they teach us about Pasteur but not Bechamp.
It’s kinda like how they teach us about Edison, but not Tesla. Because they want to hide the reality of the aether and “free energy” from us because controlling the power grid and making insane profits off of energy works best for the Overlords.
With medicine and disease, it’s MUCH more profitable to push the Germ Theory over the Terrain Theory and one can control the population, quietly.
Selling Magic Potions for Invisible Enemies is very lucrative. Compared to telling someone to drink more water, eat good food, get sunshine, exercise and cleanse their body.
Most disease is actually caused by poison, toxins and radiation. And when your body is gunked up with junk, you have dis ease. Cleaning yourself would avoid dis ease and facilitate the bodies healing mechanisms.
But instead we are given poison and told it will save us from the invisible enemies inside us. In reality it makes us sicker and creates more disease. If you are in the dis ease business, you now have a customer for life. It’s brilliant business model, albeit diabolical
Our food is showered in poisons [Glyphosate, Atrazine, Paraquat], our water is filled with poison [Fluoride, Chlorine] our skies are sprayed with poison [Aluminum, Barium, Strontium] and this creates more disease. That they treat with more poison. And people are somehow amazed when they get cancer. And doctors really have no clue as to how you got that cancer… But they will shoot you with radiation to “treat” it…
It’s a racket.
And it’s being controlled by Eugenicidal Overlords that tell us all to reduce global population by over 50% to save ourselves from the Evil Global Warming Monster. It’s even carved in stone. [Georgia Guidestones]
Most doctors and nurses have no clue about this. They fancy themselves superior because that’s part of the programming in Med school. The “God Complex” comes with the indoctrination.
Once a doctor realizes this and speaks out he is discredited and labeled a “quack” and they take his doctor card away… So even if one knows, they can’t speak about it.
Doctors are not allowed to treat patients in any other way but what is in their “book”. Or they risk losing their career and potential law suits. But if a patient dies as they follow their “book” they are protected.
And they do die, in droves. Doctor errors are the 3rd leading cause of death. If one continues to “error” is it really an error? Or is it baked in the system of ________ control?
Most doctors really want to help people, but the maniacal Overlords that control the "Healthcare" system, and their "education" firmly believe the world is overpopulated… They assume their role in reducing this infestation of humans is crucial to our survival. That’s the dark side of this conversation… one needs to comprehend if you want to make it to the next round.
When you comprehend the Terrain Theory you can easily be your own doctor for most issues and ailments.
That would kill a trillion dollar industry over night if enough people where to realize this. And it would end these “Pandemics” once and for all. None of them were legitimate… That’s another dark conversation, for another time…
But if you really want to escape this false paradigm, research the Terrain Theory like your life depended on it.
Because it does.
Go back to Pasteur and Bechamp. Start there. That’s where it all went South.
“Pasteur passed his laboratory notebooks along to his heirs with the provision that they never made the notebooks public. However, his grandson, Louis Pasteur Vallery-Radot, who apparently didn’t care for Pasteur much, donated the notebooks to the French national library, which published them. In 1914, Professor Gerard Geison of Princeton University published an analysis of these notebooks, which revealed that Pasteur had committed massive fraud in all his studies. For instance, when he said that he injected virulent anthrax spores into vaccinated and unvaccinated animals, he could trumpet the fact that the unvaccinated animals died, but that was because he also injected the unvaccinated animals with poisons.
In the notebooks, Pasteur states unequivocally that he was unable to transfer disease with a pure culture of bacteria (he obviously wasn’t able to purify viruses at that time.) In fact, the only way he could transfer disease was to either insert the whole infected tissue into another animal (he would sometimes inject ground-up brains of an animal into the brain of another. animal to “prove” contagion) or resort to adding poisons to his culture, which he knew would cause the symptoms in the recipients.5 He admitted that the whole effort to prove contagion was a failure, leading to his famous deathbed confession: “The germ is nothing; the terrain is everything.” In this case, terrain refers to the condition of the animal or person and whether the animal or person had been subject to poison.”
Pasteur himself, on his deathbed said: “I was wrong. The germ is nothing. The Terrain is everything.” By terrain, he meant the internal balance of the body – the health of the cells and the immune system... And yet the Rockefeller funded Allopathic/Western "medicine" industry ran with it anyway and as a result make trillions in revenue. German Virologist Stefan Lanka, Dr Tom Cowan, Dr Andrew Kaufman are great for explaining the reality. Despite the fact they are branded as "Quacks" by the Invisible Enemy Industrial Complex. Open your mind and consider the possibility that everything we have been led to beLIEve is inconsistent with the evidence. One will live longer and healthier. It's a win-win. [Especially in our current state of "reality"] :)
But I'm not a doctor, so that's not "Medical Advice".
"Doctor errors" are the 3rd leading cause of death.
If you have been led to believe that you can only heal yourself by injecting yourself with poison, ask your self if researching reality is right for you!
Louis Pasteur was a charlatan and a fraud. A snake oil salesman. He and his fallacious "Germ Theory" are the reason most people were led to believe that "invisible enemies" are causing all their dis ease and get injected with Magic Potions to save themselves and coincidentally suffer dis ease, injury or death.
There was no legitimate scientific proof ever demonstrated to prove his theory of "viral contagion" or the efficacy of those magic potions. [Research the Deer Island Penitentiary study] Because viruses are NOT the cause of any disease, viruses are the effect. You will never hear that at school or on TV because the Invisible Enemy Industrial Complex and this "Pandemic" would be over over night if people learned the actual truth behind what is really making them sick...
It's all "science". [sorcery] The "Craft" rebranded.
Wizards changed from robes to white labcoats.
Meanwhile research Bechamp and the Terrain Theory if you want to know the simple truth. Life depends on it... https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/814789.Bechamp_or_Pasteur_?fbclid=IwAR322upgS1v3N1NkthdKsZtbXT4ET4MJhWtTV2i2Zzu3REMTIm5hw0HN5ZU
Many just won't listen...
They were programmed to "OBEY the "Science"...
Dr Rife: One of the last great scientist/doctors.
Dr. Rife confirms experimentally that it is the chemical reaction that produces the disease, NOT the virus/bacteria germ.
Start at 40 minutes and he clarifies this.
Dr. Rife invented a microscope that was capable to seeing viruses. I always thought it was odd that the industry did not embrace this device. In fact they now go out of their way to discredit it with propaganda debunk pieces. Meanwhile back in the day, the Smithsonian confirmed his claims.
And his thoughts on “viruses” are rather interesting. Seeing as he is one of the few people in history that has actually seen a virus and would talk about it… He was already figuring out that the "Germ Theory" was incorrect.
Now I better comprehend the true nature of viruses, it’s clear why one suppressed this technology to literally keep doctors and patients in the dark about what viruses actually do. And leave them unable to contradict the false narrative.
He states:
"In reality, it is not the bacteria themselves that produce the disease, but we believe it is the chemical constituents of these micro-organisms enacting upon the unbalanced cell metabolism of the human body that in actuality produce the disease. We also believe if the metabolism of the human body is perfectly balanced or poised, it is susceptible to no disease."
In other words, the human body itself is chemical in nature, being comprised of many chemical elements which provide the media upon which the wealth of bacteria normally present in the human system feed. These bacteria are able to reproduce. They, too, are composed of chemicals. Therefore, if the media upon which they feed, in this instance the chemicals or some portion of the chemicals of the human body, become changed from the normal, it stands to reason that these same bacteria, or at least certain numbers of them, will also undergo a change chemically since they are now feeding upon media which are not normal to them, perhaps being supplied with too much or too little of what they need to maintain a normal existence. They change, passing usually through several stages of growth, emerging finally as some entirely new entity - as different morphologically as are the caterpillar and the butterfly (to use an illustration given us). The majority of the viruses have been definitely revealed as living organisms, foreign organisms it is true, but which once were normal inhabitants of the human body -living entities of a chemical nature of composition.
Some claim that viruses have never been proven to be living organisms...
Although Rife says here "The majority of the viruses have been definitely revealed as living organisms," he clarifies "living entities of a chemical nature of composition".
To simplify... The chemical is the cause of dis ease. The "Virus" is the effect.
Virus Research Resources:
This is a really good and short breakdown of the germ theory and why it never became a scientific fact... or ever will...
It was proven to be more profitable than the underlying reality of health and wellness...
will help demonstrate how we got in this situation, fearing "Invisible
Enemies" and expecting magic potions to save us. That coincidentally
have the inverse effect.
EVERYone needs to see this report by Dr Cowan. There is NO tangible evidence to support the use of masks, even for surgeons.
Scientific proof they truly failed to isolate the virus and that it is NOT infectious from human contact.
(PDF download direct link)
“The Virus Misconception Part 1 – Measles as an example” – by Dr Stefan Lanka
“The Virus Misconception Part 2 – The beginning and end of the corona crisis” – by Dr Stefan Lanka
"The Misinterpretation of the Antibodies" with Dr Stefan Lanka
Dr Stefan Lanka Interview July 2020 - "Virologist", molecular and marine biologist. All claims of "virus" existence refuted.
"Virologists" - by Dr Stefan Lanka
CONTAGIOUS DISEASES and the GERM THEORY(PDF download direct link)
What Really Makes You Ill?: Why Everything You Thought You Knew About Disease Is Wrong https://www.amazon.com/What-Really-Makes-You-Ill/dp/1673104037
Infectious Myth – Dr Stefan Lanka – 04.12.16
Why You CANNOT and Will NEVER "Catch” Coronavirus Stefan Lanka German virologist http://neue-medizin.com/lanka2.htm
Virologist Says Measles Virus Doesn't Exist - Offers 100K Reward For Anyone With Actual Evidence
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dxc1adZDnJ4Are Viruses contagious? https://videopress.com/v/vf0KuW1H?fbclid=IwAR23vr4vIPyjU1VIXqdEdOzwbIfcwvHrASiUt71tXGj1bEz7wnJJKsKydSs
Germ Theory vs Terrain Theory https://youtu.be/LCCugkznIs4
203 Andrew Kaufman M.D. Germ theory is scientifically unproven. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HQQtOQUkUoI
pt 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9noFkfkZojI
Medical Doctor Blows C-Vi-Rus Scamdemic Wide Open - Andrew Kaufman M.D. https://youtu.be/IIDths-UdDA
Are Viruses Alive? https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/are-viruses-alive-2004/
Dr. SHIVA LIVE: Time for Truth on CoronaVirus
This is an amazing clip, looking at viruses in a completely new way. And
it threatens narrative so much that Facebook placed a warning on it… To
protect you...
Exceptional information about Dr Rife and viruses https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sqr0suYI7gs&feature=share&fbclid=IwAR0j6YNLGpBEjK-H-JQx7yERanzUIgZE4rBHVMwtVZTmhcLoayCTT4Bd8q0
This is one of the best condensed clips out there. https://youtu.be/xhudT0Ssnt4
YOU CANNOT GET A VIRUS UNLESS ITS INJECTED, PERIOD https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=95yk-JbabhA&feature=youtu.be&fbclid=IwAR0heU4HIW35Eet6HVfFt5Iy8yv0cj1nCuIcGWpEyrdGxwu-nnvXXOQSIRs
man "fell" of his secluded balcony back in 2013 in Thailand. Andreas
Moritz also told this about viruses. Also dead now.
The Only Way to Get a Virus is to be Injected With it - Aajonus Vonderplanitz
Propagation characteristics for a 60 GHz Wireless body area network (WBAN)
Effect of 60 Hz electromagnetic fields on the activity of hsp70 promoter: An in vitro study
"A synergistic effect between two factors was observed for this co-exposure condition in terms of luciferase gene expression."
Ep. 178: Top U.S. Virologist Blows The Whistle On COVID-19 with Dr. Judy Mikovits, PhD | Vibe Podcast
The Deception of Virology & Vaccines | Why Coronavirus Is Not Contagious
The gut virome: the ‘missing link’ between gut bacteria and host immunity?
WTFU Ewe All ~ Virus' are NOT CONTAGIOUS ~ #Greatest Hoax Ever
Is COVID-19 really an exosome and not a virus???
No Viruses Exist - Isopathy and the Terrain
Bechamp or Pasteur?: A Lost Chapter in the History of Biology
Pearson’s Pasteur: Plagiarist, Imposter was originally published in
1942, and is a succinct introduction to both Louis Pasteur and Antoine
Béchamp, and the reasons behind the troubled relationship that they
shared for their entire working lives.
Virus Mania: How the Medical Industry Continually Invents Epidemics, Making Billion-Dollar Profits At Our Expense
The story of a largely unknown evolution – Germ theory hoax
Vaccines: The Biggest Medical Fraud in History
History of Vaccination
is NOT even contagious or infectious (never proven to be). There is NO
proof Polio is caused by a virus. There is NO evidence that anyone
caught polio from another person in the family. There is NO evidence
that any nurse or doctor caught polio from a patient." —Sheri Nakken,
Good-Bye Germ Theory: ending a century of medical fraud
The Dream and Lie of Louis Pasteur
Pasteur 'told lies about vaccines'
Breaking News! Germ Theory Disproved! In 1884!
THE DOCTOR'S WORLD; Revisionist History Sees Pasteur As Liar Who Stole Rival's Ideas
Rethinking Pasteur's Germ Theory: How to Maintain Your Optimal Health
Recommended Books to Dismantle the Germ Theory of Disease Causation & Support Our Health
Do viruses even exist?
If you want to know who the real "Invisible Enemy" is in this operation, here's the full story with resources.
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