True nature of viruses

Here's a pile of research links on the true nature of viruses.

Many doctors, scientists and virologists have all stepped up to risk their careers and lives to expose the reality that viruses are NOT contagion. Viruses are an EFFECT of disease not a CAUSE... They are what heals you, not ails you. A "Virus" is what a cell creates and excretes to protect it self from toxicity. It is like a solvent that breaks down toxic matter to protect the cell. Viruses are not even living entities, by any definition.
 Numerous tests have confirmed that viruses are not a contagion. There is zero risk of infection from human to human. The only way you can “infect" someone with a virus is a direct injection…

Viruses are defense mechanisms of toxic cells. Toxicity can be caused chemical, or electromagnetic radiation. They do not cause the disease, they are the effect of the dis ease. A cellular reaction to break down toxic matter and facilitate healing.

Yes, this defies everything we have been lead to believe.
Don't expect a multi-trillion dollar industry based on viral contagion to tell you an ugly truth that would destroy their business.
Most all doctors have no access to observe or even test viruses. They believe as they are told and if they realize the truth and speak to defy the narrative, they are destroyed.
Inspect their “evidence" yourself...
Check your own facts. Your life depends on it.

Once you comprehend the true nature of viruses, the next question is, what we are really dealing with...?

Here's a hint. Synthetic VLP [VirusLikeParticles] activated with Magnet Assisted Transfection.

But first things first... What are Viruses?

"Scientific evidence"... to further indicate viral transmission from human-human is a well-orchestrated myth... to support a multi-trillion dollar "invisible enemy" industry.

"Scientific evidence"... to further indicate viral transmission from human-human is a well-orchestrated myth... to support a multi-trillion dollar "invisible enemy" industry.


There are zero legitimate studies that prove the theory of viral transmission. When you comprehend the magnitude of that BIG LIE, the rest will fall in place.

Consider this CDC report of “Asymptomatic transmission.,symptoms%20never%20develop

Break through the legalese and see the reality being disclosed.

“Although RT-PCR identifies viral RNA and cannot determine whether infectious virus is present, infectiousness can be inferred from cycle threshold (Ct) values. “

They can’t even define whether an infectious virus is present and must rely on inferred infectiousness… based on modeling, which is assumption...

“Although these reports did not identify actual virus transmission while presymptomatic or asymptomatic”

They tell you, there is NO evidence... buried under all that speculation and modeling... This is scientific propaganda. To lead one to believe a narrative, despite evidence to the contrary, or lack thereof...
Meanwhile throwing piles of words at one to lead them to an altogether different narrative...
It works like Magic, only they call it "Science" now. The science of leading one to a beLIEf when all evidence contradicts it.

The Deer Island study was one point of evidence to consider diligently. One has never been able to infect another with what is called a "virus" and cause "disease".

Read the actual study carefully and avoid the projections, conclusions and perceptions the media infuses on the narrative to cache the reality and significance that despite serious effort employing any possible manner of "infection" that no person was made ill by any fluids or means of transmission from one person to another by what they call a "virus". [exosome]

When the shiny man on TV fears you up about "Variants" to justify new tyrannical measures, lockdowns and forced/coerced injections...

Knowledge is a powerful antidote.

There's actually NO legitimate scientific evidence to support any "viral infection" theory, much less any "variants".
They still have NOT isolated the original to satisfy Koch's Postulate without poisoning the cells of the control. [Inducing Exosomes] of which "viruses" fully are...

Despite the various claims, one has never been able to "replicate" any virus by means of "infection".

They poisoned the host cells and induced exosomes. And called them "viruses"... [Smoke and mirrors]

Great info about isolation and proving viral infection using Koch's Postulate

Viruses are fully exosomes in every sense of the word". Dr Hildreth

Exosomes are the exact same particles that one calls a "virus"... There are two entirely different "narratives" of what they do... This report details the relationship between the PRIONs that are being found in the injections.

Stimulating the Release of Exosomes Increases the Intercellular Transfer of Prions*

There are no biological viruses being modified or used as bioweapons because viruses are not a mechanisms of contagion and never have been. They are fully exosomes in every sense of the word. Lipid proteins excreted from cells as a solvent to break down toxicity.
Despite the BIG lie we were all told, viruses are not little monsters that jump from one body to the next riding spitballs to rappel down into your lungs and kill you like a herd of Ninjas.

But the Invisible Enemy Industrial Complex does not want us to know that because they thrive on selling Magic Potions.

What we are dealing with is VLPs. Virus-Like Particles. SPIONS [Superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles]. Lipid nanoparticles activated by Magnet Assisted Transfection.

Read the ingredients on the injections. It's in there.

Awareness is the only cure one needs for a deception.

Caveat Redemptor = Prove it to yourself. 
Here's a pile of information to facilitate.

Virus Research Resources:

This is a really good and short breakdown of the germ theory and why it never became a scientific fact... or ever will...
It was proven to be more profitable than the underlying reality of health and wellness...
This will help demonstrate how we got in this situation, fearing "Invisible Enemies" and expecting magic potions to save us. That coincidentally have the inverse effect.

EVERYone needs to see this report by Dr Cowan. There is NO tangible evidence to support the use of masks, even for surgeons.

Scientific proof they truly failed to isolate the virus and that it is NOT infectious from human contact.

(PDF download direct link)
“The Virus Misconception Part 1 – Measles as an example” – by Dr Stefan Lanka

“The Virus Misconception Part 2 – The beginning and end of the corona crisis” – by Dr Stefan Lanka

"The Misinterpretation of the Antibodies" with Dr Stefan Lanka

Dr Stefan Lanka Interview July 2020 - "Virologist", molecular and marine biologist. All claims of "virus" existence refuted.

"Virologists" - by Dr Stefan Lanka

CONTAGIOUS DISEASES and the GERM THEORY(PDF download direct link)

What Really Makes You Ill?: Why Everything You Thought You Knew About Disease Is Wrong

Infectious Myth – Dr Stefan Lanka  – 04.12.16

Why You CANNOT and Will NEVER "Catch” Coronavirus Stefan Lanka German virologist

Virologist Says Measles Virus Doesn't Exist - Offers 100K Reward For Anyone With Actual Evidence

Are Viruses contagious?

Germ Theory vs Terrain Theory

203 Andrew Kaufman M.D. Germ theory is scientifically unproven.
pt 2

Medical Doctor Blows C-Vi-Rus Scamdemic Wide Open - Andrew Kaufman M.D.

Are Viruses Alive?

Dr. SHIVA LIVE: Time for Truth on CoronaVirus

This is an amazing clip, looking at viruses in a completely new way. And it threatens narrative so much that Facebook placed a warning on it… To protect you...
Exceptional information about Dr Rife and viruses

This is one of the best condensed clips out there.


 This man "fell" of his secluded balcony back in 2013 in Thailand. Andreas Moritz also told this about viruses. Also dead now.

The Only Way to Get a Virus is to be Injected With it - Aajonus Vonderplanitz

Propagation characteristics for a 60 GHz Wireless body area network (WBAN)

Effect of 60 Hz electromagnetic fields on the activity of hsp70 promoter: An in vitro study
"A synergistic effect between two factors was observed for this co-exposure condition in terms of luciferase gene expression."

Ep. 178: Top U.S. Virologist Blows The Whistle On COVID-19 with Dr. Judy Mikovits, PhD | Vibe Podcast

The Deception of Virology & Vaccines | Why Coronavirus Is Not Contagious

The gut virome: the ‘missing link’ between gut bacteria and host immunity?

WTFU Ewe All ~ Virus' are NOT CONTAGIOUS ~ #Greatest Hoax Ever

Is COVID-19 really an exosome and not a virus???

No Viruses Exist - Isopathy and the Terrain

Bechamp or Pasteur?: A Lost Chapter in the History of Biology
R. Pearson’s Pasteur: Plagiarist, Imposter was originally published in 1942, and is a succinct introduction to both Louis Pasteur and Antoine Béchamp, and the reasons behind the troubled relationship that they shared for their entire working lives.

Virus Mania: How the Medical Industry Continually Invents Epidemics, Making Billion-Dollar Profits At Our Expense

The story of a largely unknown evolution – Germ theory hoax

Vaccines: The Biggest Medical Fraud in History
History of Vaccination
"Polio is NOT even contagious or infectious (never proven to be). There is NO proof Polio is caused by a virus. There is NO evidence that anyone caught polio from another person in the family. There is NO evidence that any nurse or doctor caught polio from a patient." —Sheri Nakken, RN, MA

Good-Bye Germ Theory: ending a century of medical fraud

The Dream and Lie of Louis Pasteur

Pasteur 'told lies about vaccines'

Breaking News! Germ Theory Disproved! In 1884!

THE DOCTOR'S WORLD; Revisionist History Sees Pasteur As Liar Who Stole Rival's Ideas

Rethinking Pasteur's Germ Theory: How to Maintain Your Optimal Health
Recommended Books to Dismantle the Germ Theory of Disease Causation & Support Our Health

Do viruses even exist?

 Bottom line

 Here is your monster, as promised. It may not be this exact one, there are many variations. But I am certain that this is what we are facing.

Pay close attention to the association with vaccines mentioned above...

COVID-19 is not biological, its synthetic VLP (virus-like particles)
Using Magnet Assisted Transfection. (remote frequency activated nanotechnology).
This is why Bill Gates and Elon Musk are involved.

When you comprehend that, the rest of this orchestrated [Event 201] becomes frighteningly clear… And why our fearless leaders don’t wear masks or follow social distancing...

When they keep finding [SPIONs] magnetite nanoparticles in the vials, it may be a big hint...

It’s NOT a “virus”, it’s a virus-like particle [VLPs]

Here's the full story with resources


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