HydroxyChloroquine = Trojan horse + "A schism of trust"
“What do you have to lose? Take it.” I started researching Quinine back in the 80s when it was a key ingredient in cocaine, and all those people were dying from "overdose"... Hydroxychloroquine was the key ingredient in the AIDS cocktail that disabled the immune system... It's being employed again... Hydroxychloroquine inhibits immune response to nanoparticles. It has been shown in several studies using nanoparticle delivery to allows it to remain in the body to infect cells [once activated using MAT. Magnet Assisted Transfection] where the immune system would otherwise remove the foreign materials safely.. HCQ is a clever trap, "crafted" to ensnare those smart enough to avoid the "inject-able" V ersion. Using a negative sales-like approach baiting those within the false L/R paradig...