The evil Global Warming monster

Here's a hint of the core intent behind the ugly truth of the "Climate Change" agenda and UN Agenda 21.
It's about population control. I mean aside from a shakedown climate tax scam to further milk the free-range tax slaves. Fostered by GeoEngineering operations to create the evil global warming monster that has been taking out homes, lives and crops worldwide. While blaming an angry "God", "fossil fuels", eating meat, and cow farts...
The overlords want to thin the herd. It’s been derided as a “crazy conspiracy theory” for years. Only the elite speak of it publicly...
It's coming to light now.
Do you really trust them with your life?

If only we had paid the UN our green fees earlier... we could have stopped the evil global warming monster.
Now we'll have to sacrifice 80% of the population...
I'm sure Greta will volunteer to be the first one to jump in the volcano to appease Moloch!

Well one of the biggest components of their “Climate Change” agenda involves a drastic reduction in population. Many elite publicly call for an 80% reduction or more. This echoes the Georgia Guidestones... They also plan to reduce the public's access to cars and many roads in the back country. So soon enough this overcrowding issue will be resolved…

PDF link for the Planned Genocide Rates ( per country.
This is the real reason the overlords want to disarm the minions.
Population control. Study history It is repeating. Mao, Pot, Amin Hitler and Stalin all used similar ploys to render the people defenseless, before...

Earth Needs Fewer People to Beat the Climate Crisis, Scientists Say

Deagel, a real intelligence organization for the U.S. government, predicts massive global depopulation (50-80%) by 2025

Deagel.Com Predicts 240 Million Dead Americans Within 8 Years

NO MORE: Single Family Home Building in California – AB 68

California Wages War On Single-Family Homes

Elon Musk: The world’s population is accelerating toward collapse and nobody cares

WHO Memos 1972 explains how to turn vaccines into a means of killing

A panel of climate scientists working for the United Nations are calling for a reduction of the earth’s population in order to stave off global warming.

Air pollution nanoparticles linked to brain cancer for first time

Paradise & Magalia residents confused by mystery powder

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