The Wall: Orange Floyd?
Walls always work both ways, unless you control the gates, you are subject.
Most know that, but just can't conceive why they would ever want to go South?
Most know that, but just can't conceive why they would ever want to go South?
We have been led to beLIEve that this is about saving us from poor illegal immigrants....,
Goodness... Turn off the TV, reject the "programming" and do some critical thinking, fact checking and a little math...
Goodness... Turn off the TV, reject the "programming" and do some critical thinking, fact checking and a little math...
by comparing corporate welfare, subsidies, entitlements and tax breaks
to what we spend on social services... (Most of which are used for good
Americans suffering bad times).
You will realize this narrative is a scapegoat distraction ploy.
look at what you pay the private Federal Reserve each year through
their private collection service the IRS. None of which actually pays
for government services... but the debt owed for their "services"...
(They have NEVER been audited btw.)
Are we being propagandized, to pay for our own containment?
This wall is "urgent"
now, because of the intended global government transition (NWO),
financial collapse/currency reset/(RFID chip implementation) forced
vaccinations, 5G control grid, apocalyptic martial law/"nuke event" and
resulting MAYHEM that will cause many fear mongered Americans to flee in mass...
economy is already worse now than before the crash that triggered the
great depression. Since the Federal Reserve took over our monetary
system in 1913 the dollar has been milked of over 97% of its value.
You cannot have a New World Order if the old one is still working.
But don't worry, the shiny man from the government and SNOPES says it's all "crazy conspiracy theory" and you know you can trust them with your life...
But don't worry, the shiny man from the government and SNOPES says it's all "crazy conspiracy theory" and you know you can trust them with your life...
This wall has been part of the "plan" for decades.
Walls do not stop criminals. Ya know there is already a rather healthy fence covered in razor wire...
Tunnels go under. Planes go over. Trains, buses, cars go through check points with simple bribes...
Predictive programming and crazy coincidence theories aside, this is interesting... recently deleted from Heavy Metal's site. This was found in archive. The interweb never forgets...
Handing out hats to his loyal "followers"... hhmmmm
Sacrificial pigs on the alter???
Used the people to save himself under the guise of saving them...
Never trust a swamp monster to save you from the swamp monsters. Walls work both ways...Don't support your own confinement... Don't beLIEve "Q"... It's a pacification ploy and dissident harvesting operation custom designed for the semi-woke folk to smooth the NWO transition.
"Question everything" including Q.
An interesting piece on predictive programming and Lord Trump. The last section about the Western character "Trump" is worthy of consideration.
On a fun note, Mexico announced this week that they will be building a ladder and Trump will pay for it.
And there's this.
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