Vitamin D = Rat Poison
Vitamin D for Death? It puts the "D" in d-CON. It's a Con alright... Cholecalciferol is the active ingredient in Vitamin D3 AND Rat Poison. The same ingredient in your vitamins, and added to milk, yogurt, cereal, bread, and many other foods. Is it an accident? Regardless of intent, taking small doses of this poison everyday in your food and with your vitamins may reduce your lifespan and quality of life. Cholecalciferol causes Hypercalcemia. It takes calcium from the bones and dumps it in the blood. The Harvard report showed it will reduce bone density with prolonged use and many other possible ailments. High doses can be fatal with no antidote. *Ask your doctor if "Overt Psychosis" is right for you! Meanwhile sharing this peer reviewed report got me banned on Facebook... If you exceed the “recommended” dosage, Vit D3 / Cholecalciferol can be fatal. It’s added to many different processed foods, energy drinks, bars, milk, bread, pas...