
Showing posts from May, 2022

Predictive Programming & how to [esc] from this "reality"

Hollywood Medea Magic works at shaping our reality by creating visions, evoking emotions and broadcasting them to the masses, based on the [G]rand architect's "visions". When everyone sees and feels this "vision" it manifests via the aether that connects us all [Hive Mind] to "source" [God]. This "creates" or steers the direction of the reality we ALL experience.  The imagery and emotions we transmit to the "Matrix/Hive/Cloud/God" will manifest reality for everyone, if enough people are "effected"by the programming. It is consistent and repeatable. Like inputting program code to a computer. UPdated to the network, through the wifi. Whenever you see spinning globes and mesmerizing lights at the beginning of a show, you are being hypnotized.   I t’s all done with various levels of propaganda. Most effectively using the TV, phones and any device with a monitor and the 60 Hz Lilly Wave… that lures one into a trance-like stat...

Androgyne [Self-replicating humans with dual genitalia]

Most of those people that are accused of being "Transgender" are Androgyne, from the original bloodline. If you have a penis and a vagina, you can present as a boy or a girl. There are as many as 40 variations. Adam and Eve were the first humans created by genetic modification to be single sex organisms. They were not the first "people". The first were Androgyne. Hermaphrodites, with dual sex organs and the ability to reproduce asexually. Man was created in Genesis chapter one and Adam wasn't created until genesis chapter two. When they left the garden they met up with other people. The story was an encoded message about the genetic split to create separate man and woman. That is what the majority of people are today. Some misinterpret Genesis 1 "He made them male and female" to mean a separate difference, when in fact it means "in addition to". Otherwise there would be no need to create Eve from Adam...