This simulation we call "reality".
"Reality" is a simulation? Welcome my son, welcome to the machine. Where have you been? It's alright we know where you've been... Understanding the true nature of this reality is crucial, when “Everything we know is a lie”. One can not escape from a wet cardboard box if they beLIEve they are in a steel cage… “If you want to understand the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration”, like the real supergenius hinted years ago…. I always suspected there was more to "reality" than I was told about by the teachers, preachers, and them shiny peoples on TV, albeit quietly. It wasn't until the interweb came along that I found there were others who secretly considered the same and have since found some amazing evidence to support this crazy theory. It's a rough road for some to consider, there are so many things you must be aware of beyond the "narrative", to unlearn and relearn for this to "com...